Frequently Asked Questions about Five Figure Niche Site

What if I haven’t created a website before?

That’s okay. You’ll be able to use WordPress so it’s super easy to learn. Here’s a secret: I didn’t know how to use WordPress until after my first niche site!

What if I don’t have a niche?

That’s actually better! In Unit 1, you’ll learn about brainstorming and generating ideas. And, more importantly, I’ll show you how to pick great keywords that convert into buyers.

Aren’t all the niches taken already?

No, some niches are always going to be around. Others niches are growing. And, you may not know it yet, but you might have an unfair advantage in some niche that you have expert knowledge in.

Do I have to buy other tools, apps, themes, etc…? How much does it cost outside of the course enrollment?

You’ll spend about $200 in the first 6-8 weeks on hosting, a theme, keyword research tools. You can do it for a bit cheaper using free themes and free tools but paying is the better option if you’re able too.

What if I can’t write well or English isn’t my native language?

I struggle with writing and grammar myself so I can relate! That’s just fine because you can hire US-based writers for reasonable rates and get excellent quality content. Don’t worry, I have templates that you can use to make it easy. And repeatable!

How much will content cost if I want to hire writers?

It depends on where and how you hire your writer or writers. If you hire from Upwork as I outline in the course, then you can expect to pay from $14 – $20 (or higher) per 1,000-word post. That’s the low-end of the market where you can find well-qualified, native English speakers that are just getting started on Upwork.

There are a few other services that you can use that handle more of the admin work and project management. That means it costs more, but you are generally able to hire a content service, tell them the keyword, and they will publish the content on your blog. They handle everything and it’s a premium price. The services have a huge range but you can expect to pay anywhere from $35 – $100 per 1,000-word post. If you have more money than time, this is a great option.

What if I don’t know how to write reviews?

Everything in Five Figure Niche Site is about repeatability. So you’ll be happy to see the templates that you can use to write reviews. Or, even better, you can hire a writer to create the content for you.

What if I don’t know how to get traffic?

I’ll show you how to get traffic in the first couple of weeks even if you only have a small amount of content. It works! And, later you’ll be able to attract free, organic traffic from Google.

What if I don’t know how to build links?

We cover link building in Unit 6. It’s all White Hat outreach and guest posting, which is great because Google loves that. We don’t want to work hard only to be hit by a Google algorithm update.

What if no one comes to my web site?

If you follow the step-by-step blueprint and do the work, then people should come to your site. I’ve seen it work time and time again – For Dave Fox, Jim Horner, many others, and for my sites.

However, if that’s the case you can contact me through a support email, the Q&A Sessions, or a One-on-One Coaching session to work through the issue.

How long does it take to complete the entire course?

If you put in about 5 to 7 hours per week, then you should be able to work through all 7 Units of material. You should use some of that time to work on the worksheets, a critical part of the course.

The course will be released over 8 weeks so you can work on each Unit at a time.

There will be a couple of weeks that are Working Weeks, like when you first start working on choosing your niche.

Or when you start publishing content.

How much money am I going to make after the course?

It all depends on you, your niche, and your site. So it’s too hard to say.

I can tell you that people that follow the course material have created sites that make $100 per month within 2 to 3 months.

Other people have created sites that have been valued at over $10,000, over Five Figures, like Dave Fox.

Other people have used the system to scale and grow over time, like Rob Atkinson, who makes over Five Figures a month.

*Testimonials aren’t indicative of the results you may get. They are just examples of people that have used the Five Figure Niche Site System.

What if I’m a complete newbie? Can I succeed with this?

It really all depends on you. This is an intensive course and if you’re willing to do the work, then you can succeed…even if you’re just starting out.

If you are just starting out, then you should be realistic. You probably won’t create a site that makes $10,000 a month for your first site. It might take you 12 months before you make Five Figures.

But you’ll be learning the skills you need to grow a thriving niche site business.

Do you offer any support?

Yes, you get 60 days of priority email support with all the packages.

If you have the Advanced option, then you will get 6 Q&A webinar sessions.

If you have the Premium option, then you will get 6 One-on-One Coaching sessions.

What’s the difference between this course and other courses?

Well, I haven’t taken all the courses out there, but here are a few things to note…

I’ve actually coached people to success using the same techniques and methods in Five Figure Niche Site.

These are video courses not just long, boring texted based, glorified blog posts.

I’m a professional! Like I said I’m a Project Management Professional, certified by the Project Management Institute. And, that is a big deal because it means I can set up systems that work.

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