How To Create a Five Figure Niche Site

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Do you wonder if you have what it takes?

A Niche Site Project subscriber sent me an email:

“I’m sick of being a failure and seeing no success! I am so ready to finally do the work and make it work no matter what!

I am sick of trying everything without doing anything, getting stuck in not knowing how to do it in a productive manner.

I want to leave all that behind and truly focus on one course from beginning to end, and do whatever it takes to finally see the light at the end of this dark tunnel.

I want and desire to be self-employed and really work full time as an online entrepreneur that makes money, not just playing at it or trying it out for size.

I’ve been at it for years and it is amazing how far I’ve come and the amount of wasted money spent without any results. I want a big change, a change for the better​.

This isn’t a unique story…

  • This is a smart, hard-working person.
  • She’s read dozens of blog posts.
  • She’s listened to hours of podcasts.
  • And she’s watched hours of YouTube content about Niche Sites.

But that story is not unique…

Building a profitable & passive niche site isn’t easy…

…it takes hard work…


…and a proven plan…

You have the drive, you just need a repeatable plan.

One of the main issues is that there are so many sources out there for information…

One blogger says you should do one thing……

And another blogger says you should never do that thing…

It’s confusing and frustrating…

You end up following some advice from blogger #1…

and then change your strategy…

Then you’re right back where you started.

But not everyone is struggling…

Rob Atkinson, Niche Site Entrepreneur, Making $35,000++ per month*

“I owe a great deal of my success to the coaching calls that I did with Doug.

One of my biggest setbacks at the time was not being able to create niche sites with any sort of system.

Doug taught me to let go of my perfectionist ways. We worked together to build a bunch of Amazon affiliate article templates.

The amount of time and energy I spent researching niches and creating custom article templates was wearing me down.”

What about the Amazon commission rate changes in April 2020?

This is a big change and commission fees paid to Associates will certainly be lower. Amazon Affiliate Marketing is still a solid business model for the side hustler and person looking to get started making money online.

But it won’t be as lucrative as before April 2020.

Remember that Amazon has the lion share of the online retail market, 38%. Walmart is at #2 with 5% of the market.

I’m adding new content to the course — 2-3 brand new units — in the first two weeks of May to help students earn from different sources and get more out of their sites.

And you think: “How can I do that?”

When someone creates an Amazon Niche Site in a competitive niche, there’s no magic or luck involved.

You may not be able to detect it, but there’s always something (simple) that helped get them to earn commissions and then rank #1 in Google – generating a massive amount of free, organic traffic.​

It’s simply a matter of following a PROVEN, step-by-step blueprint.

It’s been tried and tested by dozens of students. Students just like you…

Think about what it would be like to have a step-by-step plan for creating a niche site that earned money for you every day…whether you worked on it or not.

You can spend the day with your kids… Or, maybe go on a hike… Or maybe just binge-watch your favorite streaming show…​

You simply need a blueprint to follow…

A plan that showed you how to find PROFITABLE niches that YOU CAN RANK.

A plan that showed you how to create content that converts visitors into Amazon customers.

And, showed you how to GET​ free, organic traffic from Google using proven, reliable scripts and templates that you can use and reuse…

​It’d be fantastic if you could follow a plan like a recipe to bake a cake. It would be reliable and repeatable.

You’re probably thinking, Doug, how did you figure out this system?”

I’ve Developed an Amazon Affiliate Blueprint That Gets Consistent Results…

It wasn’t easy & took years of testing with students…

I’m Doug Cunnington, the founder of Niche Site Project.

Here’s what happened…

I didn’t know a thing about niche sites. I never even heard of them!

I didn’t know about keywords. Heck, I never even heard about WordPress.

But I knew that some people, regular people like you and me, were making $2, $5, or $500 per DAY online.

And somehow they figured it out. So I thought, “Hey, I want to do that too. I want to STOP TRADING my time for money…”

Things Didn’t Go How I Planned…​

I started my first site! I bought a hosting plan, a domain, and wrote what I thought was great content.

THEN….Nothing happened.

No visitors got to my site. No one clicked on my ads. No one bought anything through my links.

​I was frustrated and confused because I wasn’t just guessing about what to do…

I was following the so-called “experts” and doing what they said:

  • My site had great quality content that I wrote myself.
  • I optimized my title tags and description tags with keywords, but I wasn’t keyword stuffing.
  • I shared on social media and I was trying to network in my niche.

BUT nothing I tried seem to work.

Then, something worked…

I created an Amazon  Affiliate Site from scratch…

And it was featured on the Niche Pursuits Blog and Podcast in 2013.

Then I created another site and sold it with Empire Flippers.

I’ve told my story and been featured all over the place:​

The thing I realized that systems and processes were the missing pieces. It’s something no one talks about but is ultra important.

The results can speak for themselves, especially from my students which you’ll hear more about in a moment.

There are several new success stories from 2020.

YES – The Amazon Affiliate business model is still effective, even with the recent commission rate changes in April 2020

I don’t just sell courses. I have a few Amazon Affiliate sites myself…

Now, I have one site that is doing well…RIGHT NOW in  2020…and has been for years.

I don’t just talk about how to build these sites like some people. I actually KNOW how to build a site. And I know how to GROW a site.

Here is an example:

I grew it from $100 in January 2016 to $14,767 in December 2016.

It’s all around the Keyword Golden Ratio and my system of creating niche sites.

More importantly, I know how to teach other people to create their own sites using the Five Figure Niche Site framework.

  1. Like Adrian, making $1,000 per month as of Dec 2019.
  2. Like Christy, making $2,500 per month as of Dec 2019.
  3. Like Santiago, making $2,235 per month as of Dec 2019. And English is not his first language.
  4. Like Marty, the engineer, that quit his job in late 2019 and is making over $4,000 per month.

And the great thing about having the system to create a niche site is the freedom you get.

​By the way, I’m a Project Management Professional – a PMP – certified by the Project Management Institute.

And I don’t say that to brag.

The PMP credential means that I have expert knowledge in setting up systems, making them repeatable, and I can simplify a series of complicated tasks so that people can accomplish great things.

And, I’ll be honest with you…Building an Amazon Niche Site from scratch ain’t easy! It’s a lot of hard work and it will be a little frustrating at times.

A lot of people will spin tales of “easy money”.

And you can get there, but it will take time and effort. It could be a passive income source, but only after working hard up front.

Adrian Diaz

Now making $1000+ per month, Dec 2019

Construction Worker making $600/month. Enrolled in mid-2017.

“In mid-2017, I looked into some “make money from home” ideas on youtube and that’s when I first started to hear about affiliate and niche sites.

I’ve watched many, many hours of videos and tutorials but it was confusing. People didn’t explain how to it in a systematic way.

After taking the course, it’s amazing how many things I’ve learned and how much clearer the process looks now.

I’ve ignored everyone online and only focused on what Doug is teaching. Because I understand the process, it’s finally clear what it needs to be done in order to create a niche site that could potentially bring in a real income working from home. So from choosing a niche, brainstorming, keyword research, all the way to content and link building – I GET IT.

What makes the difference in Doug’s course is that he actually gives you a system: a plan to follow.

That way, every morning when I sit at my laptop I know where am I in the process and what it needs to be done.

His system works, of course, you need to put in the time and dedication to making it work. Here is a little incentive for you … I was working on the site that I’ve started with the FFNS course, I started to work on it in late Nov 2017.

Just before Christmas, on Dec 19th I’ve made my first sale, I was euphoric! That was amazing … it meant that, even though my site was less than 2 months old, somehow people found my site and made a purchase.”

Why Do Niche Sites (and Niche Site Owners) Fail?

More importantly, why do some people find success…

And build big, successful, PROFITABLE Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites?

The answer lies in the process…

You may read income reports for niche sites (like from Smart Passive Income or Niche Pursuits), and dream about creating your OWN SITE making $5,000 or $10,000 per month.

(Who doesn’t want to make a side hustle or full-time income from a simple website.)

You’re willing to do the work. You’re not looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. You want to create a long term asset that actually provides value to the world.

You want to earn your success. (Does this sound familiar?)

So, what happens?

$500+ per Month After Getting Laid Off

Madhusree B, Niche Site Entrepreneur

“After losing my job in May 2018, spending more than $2K behind different gurus and wasting 5 precious months, I accidentally stumbled upon a KGR video on Youtube.

I never heard of Doug Cunnington before and honestly, never believed that KGR will work…

But I was desperate and was trying out everything I could find…

So, by end of next day my first article was ready…then by the end of the week I’ve already written around 7 more posts…

Then I waited…After a couple of weeks I started getting sales…

The dollar value was not big…but it was motivating enough to keep me going…

I was really impressed that a FREE method ACTUALLY worked…

So, I invested in his course take full advantage of his expertise.

In fact, before I took the course I had little to no knowledge about…

  • Setting up a niche site properly.
  • Picking up a niche.
  • Doing rigorous competitive analysis.
  • Link building by cultivating relationships.
  • Properly delegating repetitive work.
  • Running a business.

Based on what I learned from the course, I redid the competition analysis. After a week’s effort, I could find 3 great keywords with high volume and low competition.

I quickly created the content following Doug’s guidelines…

Fast forward a couple of weeks, I started ranking on the first page.

Now, I’m ranking #1 for a couple of big keywords…and have recently crossed $500/month mark.

Below is the traffic starts from Feb 2019 till date, compared with the previous period:

There is a 30% growth in my traffic and pageviews since I enrolled in the course.

Also, the bounce rate has started decreasing.

But did it convert to commission?

See for yourself…

Last year, 2018, my total earning was $378.21 for the whole year.

It is already triple of last year’s earnings and that too in 90 days.

This would not have been possible if it was not for FFNS and Doug.

The support I got from the FFNS Team and Doug throughout my journey is exceptional. They are there to answer even the most trivial questions.

Also, the explanations provided in FFNS is presented in a very lucid way.

The information provided there was divided into bite size chunks.

So, consuming and implementing them was a piece of cake, even for a newbie like me.

FFNS has turned out to be the wisest investment I’ve done till date.”

It turns out that most people who start niche sites quit within the first three months.


It’s simple. When people start niche sites, they do the wrong things.

And the problem is when they spend time on all those things they find something happens:

They’ll waste their first three months, and they’ll have NOTHING to show for it other than a bunch of logins, passwords, some great content, and the belief that “I just need to finish this one last thing…”

But they’ll have NO TRAFFIC and NO SALES on Amazon.

And that lack of results will demotivate the MOST AMBITIOUS individual.

(And believe me. I know because I’ve been there…)

It’s human nature.

If you work on something without getting positive rewards, then you won’t want to keep working on it. In fact, it gets harder and harder to work on.

Mistake #1: Not Knowing WHAT To Work On

One of the most frustrating things is to sit down at your computer, ready to work on your website and NOT know what you should be doing.

Let’s say you have a full-time job, like most people, or you only have limited time to work on your side project – say a niche site.

For the sake of argument, let’s say you have about 5 hours a week to work on your niche site. That’s just 1 hour a day, 5 days a week. It’s significant, but most people can carve out that time.

Then that leaves you with just a couple hours of time to do your REAL work. The last thing you want to do is waste time trying to figure out the next step in the process. There are 2 main issues with this:

It’s frustrating and annoying.

You work less effectively.
If you want to be successful a creating a niche site, you need to know exactly what to work on.

A perfect example is my coaching student, Dave Fox, who is making $5,000 per month consistently. He was making $0 when I started working with him.

I was able to tell him exactly what to work on – focusing on the 80/20 of niche sites. It took time and Dave can attest that he worked super hard. But after he completes the tasks that I laid out he was able to build a portfolio of sites that earn a full-time income for him.

Solution: Know the process for creating a niche site. Know what you need to work on before you sit down to work. Use a process that is PROVEN and KNOWN to work.

Let’s look at a couple of specific time-wasters while we’re at it.

  • Finding the PERFECT WordPress Theme
  • Finding the PERFECT Domain Name
  • Finding the PERFECT Logo or Header
  • Finding the PERFECT Colors and Design

Trying to find the perfect “anything” is simply a fool’s errand, and it’s a form of procrastination. The success stories that we hear about never have a part where “everything came together when I found the right theme,” or “traffic went through the roof after we changed the header.”

The success stories start with someone taking action and making progress each day. Each week.

Solution: Don’t get hung up with the small things that don’t actually move the needle. Take action and adjust along the way. You need a guide to help you sift through all the information out there.

Mistake #2: Picking A POOR Niche

Let’s say you have the perfect list of all the tasks you need to complete to create a niche site.

Spoiler alert: One of them is picking a niche.

You’ve probably heard it before from any number of sources:

Getting the right niche and picking the right keywords are CRITICAL. You have to get that right or you’ll never have a profitable niche site.

The advice is right.

You do need to have a great set of keywords if you want to have a successful niche site valued in the 5 to 6 figure range. (Note: Most niche sites have a valuation of 20 – 25 times the average monthly profits. So if you have a site making $500 per month, you can sell it for about $10,000+.)

But imagine you pick a niche that is not profitable.

Wah Wah Wah…that would totally suck.

You see, picking a niche is one of the earliest steps in the process. Once you do some keyword research, you can evaluate the competition in niches, then you can pick a niche that’s profitable.

If you pick the wrong niche, then here is what happens…

Do keyword research and pick a niche.

Create a site, publish great content, get backlinks.

People visit your website but hardly anyone buys anything.

You feel sad because you worked really hard, but didn’t get the satisfaction of a successful, profitable niche site.

Look, it happens. Not all niches will be profitable. I know because I’ve picked some really terrible ones in the past!

I thought I found a great set of keywords – 1000s of searches per month. And the kicker was that no other niche sites were even targeting those search terms.

I found 1 forum that seemed to have some content on the topic, but they weren’t really competitive. It turned out that the product wasn’t one that people actually bought online.

So I created a site that got a few 100 visitors per day, but they had no interest in buying. Sure, I made a few pennies a day from Adsense, but that’s nothing significant.

The main problems are:

Not enough people search for the terms in the niche so your site gets too little traffic.

The competition in the niche is too tough.

The products in the niche aren’t expensive enough so your affiliate commissions will be low.

Targeting a product that people don’t normally buy online.

The sad part is that there is so much information out there about keyword research and so much of it is old.

Want a real example…?

You can buy washers, dryers, & refrigerators on Amazon and they can be $1000-$2000 each!

But do you actually know anyone that has? Me neither.

Most people go to a big box store so they can see what the washer, dryer, or refrigerator looks like and feels like. Big box stores normally have some great deals and sales for big holidays, too. The result is that people don’t buy many big appliances online.

Keyword research is the root of choosing a great niche. And if you get that wrong, your whole niche site will be metaphorically cursed.

Solution: Use proven metrics for your keyword research, you could reduce your risk of picking a niche that just isn’t profitable.

Increased Earnings by 162% 

Alissa, Blogger

Alissa was able to increase earnings by a crazy amount in November and December of 2017.

And the earnings continue through 2018 and 2019.

Look at the huge increase over the year! This was all from using the Keyword Golden Ratio.

Mistake #3: Not Knowing HOW To Get Traffic

Even if you get the right niche, you still need traffic on your site. If you have the best content in the world but no one is reading it, then you have an issue.

Traffic is the holy grail. If you can get traffic while target a profitable niche, then your site can make money.

And, if you’re reading this, then it’s even simpler.

You’ll review and recommend some product that sells on Amazon.

People buy things on Amazon because they trust Amazon.

And a ridiculous number of people have an Amazon Prime Account. I have one and I’d prefer buying something on Amazon over going to the crowded mall any day.

But, of course, you still have to get that traffic to your site. I didn’t get started with niche sites all that long ago.

It was actually almost 5 years ago when I bought the domain for my very first Amazon Affiliate Site.

Links are the backbone of the Google Algorithm.

Yeah, there are 200+ other ranking factors, but they pale in comparison. The thing is that you NEED to have organic traffic from Google if you want to have a niche site that will make a profit.

A profitable niche site needs to have visitors every single day, preferably free, organic traffic from Google.

There are a few pitfalls that can get you in the traffic area.

Using old, out of date techniques

Back in the day, before my time, you used to be able to build a website, stuff in some keywords, buy some links for a few bucks, and rank fast.

In fact, I got my start by learning from Pat Flynn of Smart Passive income (SPI). A lot of people don’t realize that Pat got lots of attention with his niche sites a few years back using what we now consider gray hat techniques.

Even Pat advised (in the Backlinking Strategy That Works) to create a link wheel, use Build My Rank, and an article spinner. If you didn’t know Build My Rank was penalized and de-indexed in 2012 and an article spinner is software that uses artificial intelligence to re-write existing content on the web.

He does NOT anymore and he’s a white hat supporter now.

But back in 2010-2012ish, one of Smart Passive Income’s most popular posts was “The Backlinking Strategy That Works” and I read that post in 2013 after I discovered the SPI Podcast. Those techniques would get you penalized by Google in 2016 faster than Usain Bolt could run 100M. I mean it’s really spammy stuff!

Expecting visitors to “just find you” because you have great content

It’s not 2010 anymore. That may have worked a few years ago with fewer niche sites and websites in general. But now you have a lot more competition.

Having great content is just the price of admission.

You need to get backlinks in a white hat way so you DON’T get penalized by Google. If you just publish content week after week, day after day, you will be disappointed.

Focusing on things that don’t ACTUALLY help your site get traffic

There are lots of ways to get backlinks to your site. Some are easy, some are hard, some work well, some don’t…

The thing is, you need to know what’s actually effective and what’s not. If you have limited time to work on your niche site, then you need to ensure that you’re not wasting it.

So you may have heard people talk about using IFTTT (If This, Then That) to syndicate their posts or some other “system” that will help you rank your site. There are 2 big problems with techniques like that:

  1. You FEEL like you are getting great work done.
  2. You LOSE motivation because you DON’T get the positive results that you thought you would.

If you’re interested in building a long term asset (that’s actually going to last and NOT get penalized by Google), then you need to be smart about what you do. You’ll need to have a link building and promotional plan that’s scalable and effective.

Solution: Be sure not to follow old tactics or shortcuts that don’t work. Don’t buy links in any form and follow a White Hat approach.

If you seek to network in your niche, then ask for guest posts, you’ll be on the right track.

You’ll end up with plenty of valuable high authority backlinks that Google loves.

Santiago is making over $2,200 per month and English is not his native language

He used the course to create sites in other geographies, basically using the other Amazon Associates programs across the world.

He is making Euros, and the Euro goes far in his country.


Five Figure Niche Site

This course was created with proven principles, techniques, and strategies that work. It’s broken down into easy-to-follow, step-by-step lessons that allow you to walk through each of the phases of creating a profitable Amazon Affiliate niche site.

Each lesson will leave you with a plan and schedule so you can methodically do what you’ve learned.

No guesswork.
No reverse engineering.
No more blog posts, YouTube, or podcasts.
Just follow the proven, repeatable process.

​Five Figure Niche Site provides the exact blueprint to follow for a successful Amazon Associate Niche Site.

Imagine what it would be like to wake up each morning and see the new sales you made overnight while you slept.

It’s about creating something (and doing the work upfront) that will allow you to make money while YOU:

  • Sleep
  • Spend time with your family
  • Spend time with your friends
  • Sit on the beach while on vacation
  • Hike in the mountains
  • Binge watch Breaking Bad
  • Or whatever you want!

The special thing about “passive income” is that when you stop trading time for money, income is scalable. It’s scalable in a way that’s not possible if you have a regular, full-time job.

What will you learn in the FFNS Course?

How To Create a Site & Get Traffic in 6 Weeks

Starting a FIVE Figure Niche Site (FFNS) sounds … Overwhelming.

When you’re just starting out, it sounds like a huge goal, impossible even.

It’s not impossible if you treat it like a project.

We break it down into tiny chunks of work. That’s where my project management background is essential.​

I’ve worked on multi-million dollar projects and helped break the work down into manageable chunks.

It’s not about “get rich quick tactics” or “gaming the system” – It’s about following a refined process that’s been tested again and again.

People talk about publishing massive amounts of content and building “authority sites”​, right?

You should publish sufficient content, and avoid trying to publish more than you can handle.

But you don’t need to start publishing huge amounts of content right off the bat.

In FFNS,​ you’ll be implementing my proprietary Content Traffic Profit Sprint that gets you traffic fast.

Yep, 6 weeks.

If you work along with the course, then you’ll be able to get traffic to your site if not sooner.

13 Units of Video Lessons

I cover everything from finding a niche to picking a domain name and theme.

Plus I show you all the behind the scenes tips and tricks that I know. I’ll go over all the details later.

I don’t hold anything back.

It’s several hours of video training, over-the-shoulder tutorials, and real-life examples. Over 82 Video Lessons.

A Proven, Repeatable Blueprint

I’m a Project Management Professional and that means I’m an expert in setting up systems.

It’s not enough to set up systems — they have to be simple and easy to follow. So whether it’s a corporate system implementation project or a niche site, the system needs to be straight forward.

That’s what I’ve done with niche sites.

I’ve been able to create a system that works not just for me, but it also works for people that I teach.

Lewis Ogden

(Niche Site Entrepreneur, Founder of

“If you are ready to change your future, avoid the BS and become a successful affiliate marketer, you need to get this course!”

I first heard about Doug from the Niche Pursuits blog run by Spencer Haws. Now, over 3 years later and having worked with Doug on numerous projects in a variety of niches I can tell you he knows his stuff.

He avoids the fluff and helps people to build great niche sites that can replace the income they make from their full-time job. You only need to look at his blog to see how well the people he has coached are doing today. We’re talking $15,000+ per month from Amazon Affiliate Sites!

His strategy is sound and is still working in 2016, for that I can attest. The quality of this course blows others out of the water, even those that charge 2-3 times the price.

By following his step by step guide to taking yourself from nothing to a five figure niche site, you will find yourself on the next level.

Don’t be fooled into thinking this is easy, however, it takes hard work and commitment, which is something Doug is open and honest about from the get-go.

If you are ready to change your future, avoid the BS and become a successful affiliate marketer, you need to get this course!

Lewis Ogden (Niche Site Entrepreneur, Founder of*

Course Details and What You Get:

The FFNS Course

8 Core Units

5 Advanced Units

NEW Units in April and May 2020 to address the Amazon Commission rate changes, including working with other affiliate programs, display ads, and direct relationships.

Unlimited Consulting

Ask the FFNS Team and Doug questions directly via email.

1-on-1 Coaching with Doug

Get 1-on-1 time with Doug

Advanced Gray Hat Training

Including WEB 2.0, Private Blog Networks. Though I don’t advocate Gray Hat, it’s important to understand the vocabulary and how it works.

6 LIVE Q&A Sessions

Doug holds LIVE Inner Circle Sessions — 6 per quarter — where you can chat with him live and ask questions.

Exclusive Expert Interviews

Email List Building Masterclass

90 Recorded Q&A Sessions

It’s 90++ hours of exclusive BONUS footage and growing.

Selling a Niche Site the Right Way

How to sell your niche site and maximize the selling price while you minimize the sales process. I sold a site in June of 2017 for $235,000 as covered in Project Go White Hat.

Beyond Amazon Associates: Other Affiliate Programs

Unit 0: Setting the Stage

You’re going to learn about the Amazon Associate Program.
Why? So you’ll have a great foundation to help you get started your niche site.

As you know, there is a HUGE opportunity for creating niche sites right now. And Five Figure Niche Site is designed to help you seize this opportunity. Throughout this training, I walk you through exactly how to start and grow a Niche Site business from scratch to 4 and 5 figures and beyond, step by step.

  • Lesson 1: Why the Amazon Associate Program
  • Lesson 2: What If…?
  • Lesson 3: How Much Can Money Can You Make With Amazon Niche Sites?

Unit 1: Selecting Your Niche

The goal of this Unit is to figure out your niche. It’s a lot of brainstorming and research. You’ll learn all about WHAT to look for and what to AVOID.

  • Lesson 1: Techniques for Generating Ideas
    • The 3 brainstorming ideas that I use.
    • The reason why you need be unfiltered and free during this stage.
    • How to do some prospecting in Amazon
  • Lesson 2: A Primer on Keywords & The Keyword Golden Ratio Method
    • The Four types of keywords.
    • The Two (of the four) that you’ll be targeting for your niche site.
    • Examples of each of the Four types.
  • Lesson 3: Keyword Research Tools
    • The keyword volumes that you’re going to be targeting for your niche site.
    • The number of keywords that you need to target for your pillars.
    • What the Keyword Golden Ratio tells us and how to calculate it.
  • Lesson 4: Summary

Unit 2: Competition Analysis & Niche Selection

You’ll learn about analyzing the competition for your potential niches. Why?

Because by the end of Unit 2, you WILL be choosing your niche.

If you pick a niche too fast without analyzing the competition, then you might be in for a rude awakening!

You might pick a niche where you’re facing a GIANT competitor.

It’s not that you can’t compete with a giant, but it’s more important to get traction FAST.

By going after less competitive keywords in less competitive niches, you can generate revenue faster.

And, the techniques you’ll learn can be used for any competition analysis in the SERPs – niche competition or keyword competition.

We’ll be talking about SEO factors that matter, tools to use for competition analysis, and tying it all together with keyword research.

  • Lesson 1: Two Important SEO Factors
  • Lesson 2: Tools
    • The signs to look for in the SERPs that indicate it’s a good niche.
    • Demos for the Competition Analysis Tools.
    • The thought process and flow of competition analysis that I use – via a screen flow.
  • Lesson 3: Metrics for Choosing a Niche
    • What to analyze for each niche’s search results.
    • How to fill out the First Page Competition Worksheet.

Unit 3: Setting Up Your Site

At the end of this lesson, your site will be set up! It goes by fast once you get started and most people can set up their site over a weekend.

  • Lesson 1: Choosing a Domain Name
    • Why you don’t want an exact match domain name
    • Examples of brandable domains
    • Why you should try to get a brand new domain name
  • Lesson 2: WordPress and Selecting a Host
    • What shared hosting is
    • Why you don’t need WP Engine hosting right now
    • Why you should NOT waste time on a theme
  • Lesson 3: Plugins and Baseline Pages
    • Why you don’t want to have many plugins
    • What plugins you need
    • What pages you need to have in place right away
  • Lesson 4: Summary

Unit 4: Creating & Publish Content

Content is what makes this niche site thing work.

You need content to get your site to rank in Google

You need content so that people will read your website

You need content to get your visitors to click over to Amazon

  • Lesson 1: The Value of Content
    • The value of content
    • “The Content Myth” and why you need less than you think
    • The “Content Traffic Profit Sprint” that gets you traffic faster
    • A little bit about Agile Project Management and why it can change the way you do nearly everything
  • Lesson 2: Content On Your Site
    • The 2 types of content you need so that you provide value to your visitors
    • WordPress Silos and why you don’t need them for your niche site
    • Organizing content with pages and posts so that you don’t have to architect 50+ pieces of content out of the gate
    • How to prioritize your content
  • Lesson 3: Product Reviews
    • What content needs to be in a review
    • The Perfect Amazon Review
    • Why you need Non affiliate content
  • Lesson 4: Where To Get Content
    • Why you should write some of the content
    • Why you should hire someone for some of the content
    • Where to get free images
    • Why you can’t just take images you find online
    • Using YouTube videos

Unit 5: Applying to the Amazon Associate Program

The ultimate goal of your site is to help people make a purchasing decision about a productand then actually buy the product. The catch is that you want them to go to Amazon through your affiliate link.

How do add affiliate links? First, you have to be in the Amazon Affiliate program. That’s what we’ll cover in this Unit. Plus, what to do if you’re rejected.

  • Lesson 1: The Amazon Associate Program
  • Lesson 2: Adding Affiliate Links

Unit 6: Promotion, Outreach, and Link Building​

This unit is all about getting traffic to your shiny new niche site.

Why are we focusing on Promotion, Outreach, and Link Building?

The traffic is what we’re after of course. The goal is to have people visit your site, learn something helpful about a product, and then buy something on Amazon.

So, to get that free, organic traffic from Google, you need to have backlinks pointing to your site.

  • Lesson 1: Goals
    • White, Gray, and Black Hat
    • Why pure White Hat is pretty much impossible
    • The difference between ‘nofollow’ and ‘dofollow’ links
    • The simple 3 step, White Hat link building approach
  • Lesson 2: Blog Commenting
    • Why comments are great even though the links are ‘nofollow’
    • The CommentLuv plugin and why I love it
    • The right way to search for blogs to comment on
    • More footprints to find blogs to comment on
  • Lesson 3: Social Profiles and Guest Posting
    • The 3 reasons social profiles are worth while, even if they’re ‘nofollow’
    • The 8 baseline social profiles that I set up
    • The 3 mistakes that I made with guest posting
    • The simple steps for guest posting effectively
    • The content quality tiers for guest posts
    • All the templates that I use for guest posting
    • And more…
  • Lesson 4: Summary

Unit 7: Scaling Up – Building More Sites

We’ll be covering growing your business and scaling up.

It’s important to understand when to scale up. BUT it’s even more important to know when you shouldn’t scale up.

  • Lesson 1: When to scale up and when NOT to
    • The wrong way to scale
    • Why I like to expand one site vs creating a new site
    • The 2 things you need before you should start a new site
    • Why you only need a few terms ranking #1 to have a Five Figure Niche Site
  • Lesson 2: Be a Manager
    • The wrong way to delegate
    • The “Super Virtual Assistant” myth
    • Why people fail at outsourcing
    • The 3 things that you can outsource
    • Why templates are the magic bullet to growing


For Advanced & Premium Members
Unit 8 – Advanced Link Building


  • Lesson 1: Gray Hat Link Building
  • Lesson 2: Web 2.0s
  • Lesson 3: Private Blog Networks

Unit 9 – EXPERT Interviews with Successful Niche Site Owners

  • Exclusive Interviews With Niche Site Entrepreneurs
  • You’ll learn their tips and tricks.
  • Each person brings their own theories, techniques, and strategies that make them tick.

Unit 10 – Email List Building for Niche & Authority Sites

​This new unit covers the best practices that I’ve been refining for six years.

I share everything I know about list building, and I have email lists in the thousands for my niche sites.

This is advanced training and you should have plenty of traffic and a profitable site before you consider adding an email list to the mix.

You’ll learn:

  • When you should and should NOT build an email list.
  • Why some of the experts are WRONG when they tell you to always have an email list.
  • How to get people to willingly sign up for your email list with two proven techniques that I’ve used to build email lists of over 10,000 subscribers.
  • Tools that’ll help you build your list – they are usually free.
  • What to send your subscribers in your autoresponder.
  • How to DRIVE traffic anytime you want with Broadcast emails.

Unit 11 – Beyond Amazon Associates: Other Affiliate Programs That Convert

​This new unit covers best practices for looking beyond the Amazon Associates program.

I LOVE Amazon Associates, but in March of 2017, Amazon changed the commission structure. So it’s nice to have other sources of income aside from Amazon.

This is advanced training and you should have plenty of traffic before you consider adding other affiliates to the mix.

You’ll learn:

  • When you should and should NOT work with other affiliate programs.
  • How to find programs that fit in your niche site.
  • How to market the products and offers on your site alongside your Amazon offers.
  • How to use email marketing to sell affiliate offers without being overly “sales-y.”
  • Two Expert Interviews with Niche Site owners that have non-Amazon profit streams

Unit 12 – SIX FIGURE EXIT: Selling a Niche Site The RIGHT WAY

​This new unit covers best practices for selling an Amazon Affiliate Site. I sold a site in June of 2017 and I’ll share the strategies in this Unit.

This is advanced training and you should have plenty of traffic and revenue before you consider adding other affiliates to the mix.

You’ll learn:

  • When you should and should NOT think about selling your site.
  • How to estimate the value of your site.
  • What you should do before you sell your site to prepare months ahead of time.
  • What you can do to speed up the selling process.
  • Why it’s normally better to sell with a business broker, and when it’s NOT.

Advanced & Premium Members Also Get
6 LIVE Q&A Inner Circle Sessions.

  • Ask Doug Questions about anything you’re struggling with.
  • Hear Questions & Answers from your fellow students. I didn’t realize how valuable this was until I heard from students. You end up hear about what other people are thinking in the class.
  • You can email in questions if you can’t attend live.
  • LIFE TIME Access to future Q&A Sessions. This is new and allows you to attend the sessions well into the future to get your questions answered.

Valued at $997.

Making $2,500/month in Dec 2019

Prior to taking the FFNS course, I had only seen the term “affiliate marketing” a few times. Once I heard Doug speak on a friend’s podcast, however, I knew I had to learn more.

Though I had a decade’s worth of marketing experience, SEO was one thing I’d never dug into.

Between that and figuring out the ins and outs of the Amazon Affiliate Program, I was a bit intimidated about how to begin.

Luckily, FFNS walked me through:

  1. Setting up my site
  2. Doing my keyword research
  3. Creating content
  4. Scaling my writing team step by step

I was able to focus on one module at a time in parallel with my progress (and on my own time table) plus reach out to Doug whenever I needed clarity on a particular topic.

I now have a fully-baked affiliate site up and running and have added more than 115 articles in ~7 months. My approach was to invest a lot of time (and some money) up front so my content “baked” on Google faster.

That strategy seems to be paying off, as the site recently began making $2,000 – $2,500 per month.

Traffic is also on the rise, and I can’t wait to see what happens when my latest batch of content really starts ranking. Thanks Doug!


High School Senior Making Money With Amazon Associates

Linus, Graduating in May 2019 and going to college for Computer Science in Fall 2019.

Before I took Five Figure Niche Site I was having trouble developing a successful plan for my site in order to make it profitable.

Thus I was wasting my time with the wrong tasks, focusing my time on things that would not impact the traffic and earnings such as the “proper image” or the “right font size.”

Instead, I should have focused on tasks that would help grow my site to become successful.

Also, prior FFNS keyword research was a huge issue for me — before I didn’t know what keyword phrases I should go after and phrases I could rank for.

But with Doug’s course and strategies (the Keyword Golden Ratio for example) and many others in the course. I quickly learned which phrases I should strategically target to avoid wasting time and effort.

Finally, I had issues with creating and writing content that converts into sales and will attract visitors.

I learned how to create “The Perfect Amazon Review” and informational articles. That intrigue users audience to click on to Amazon, eventually leading to more sales.

The course has sections where it goes over authority and how you can build your overall link profile.

I highly recommend this course to anybody who wants to take this Amazon Associate business seriously.

If you’re looking for a way to earn money with a side hustle, definitely check out the course. It could turn into your full-time income.


FFNS Resources

Unlimited Consulting

For 6 months after your purchase, you will have direct email access to ask any questions you need help with.

Need a personalized tip on a niche? Ask.

Need help fine-tuning the keyword metrics? Ask.

Need a hand pitching your guest post? Ask.

My team and I can help you directly.

This type of direct access has always been reserved for my coaching clients. Not anymore.

As an FFNS student, you’ll have direct access to Five Figure Niche Site and  Niche Site Project team.

Learn more about how Unlimited Consulting Works.

6 LIVE Inner Circle Q&A Sessions

These sessions are fun for me. It’s great to have students on live. Yep, that’s right…

You have the opportunity to ask me questions live and even come on video with me to ask questions face to face.

I field live questions of course, but if you can’t attend a particular session, that’s okay.

You can send your questions via email and I will add them to the list of questions.

Occasionally, I’ll do live demos if it relates to a question. Other times, I’ll talk in depth about the course material as it relates to questions.

1 – on – 1 Coaching with Doug

This is the same kind of coaching that got Rob to $15,000+ per month, Marty to $4,000, and Dave to $5,000. It takes a lot of time and effort from you and from me.

So I can only offer a few of these slots.

Last time ALL of them sold out in 72 hours.

If you have any interest in working with me directly, then you’ll need to pick the PREMIUM option.

The best part of the 1 on 1 coaching is that I can work with you directly in choosing your niche. I can see your niche ideas and keywords.​ In group sessions, you can’t necessarily share your niche ideas.

Advanced Gray Hat Link Building [advanced training]

Look. I’m all White Hat these days. I love guest posting and it’s the best way to build a long term asset.

However, I used to wear a gray hat and I can’t ignore the fact that some tactics work. And they work great.

Since I have the knowledge and some people still do AWESOME with Web 2.0s and Private Blog Networks

The Advanced and Premium members have access to the Gray Hat link building sections. I’d say tread lightly using Gray Hat on your primary niche site.

But knowing what’s possible is a great asset to have.​

EXPERT Interviews with Niche Site Entrepreneurs [advanced training]

I was having some conversations with my friends about their niche sites and realized I should be recording them.

It’s really like you get to peek behind the curtain to see and hear the conversations. You’ll hear about how people got their start.

It’s great to hear that no one hits a home run on their first site. A few people get better fast and a few other took a few years to really find their stride.

I’ll be adding more as I meet new people that are crushing it with Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites.

Email List Building

Email List Building for Niche & Authority Sites [advanced training]

I resisted adding this unit about email list building.

Here’s why: People hear big names talking about email lists and think they should build a list for their niche site at the beginning.

Most of the time people work on email lists too early. They get distracted on email marketing before their sites have traffic. Before they are profiting.

BUT email lists are, indeed, remarkable. I can send one email and get hundreds of visitors on a brand new review post. Those visitors know, like, and trust me because I have a relationship-building autoresponder series.

And they all willingly signed up because I helped, educated, or entertained them.​

I’ll teach you how to do the same. It’s 2018 and no one wants to “GET FREE Updates” from our websites.

I’ll show you how to get visitors on your email list and they’ll be thrilled to get emails from you.

Beyond Amazon: Other Affiliate Programs That CONVERT [advanced training]

Everyone agrees that it’s good to diversify, and I’ll add that diversifying too soon is a big mistake. But when Amazon changed the commission rates in March 2017, it stung.

My revenue dropped overnight. I still love the Amazon Associates program!

But if you have a mature site, a profitable site with lots of traffic, then it makes sense to have other affiliate programs to work with.

If you look at Outdoor Gear Lab, The Wirecutter, Baby Gear Lab, and so on, then you’ll see they work with other affiliate programs to give readers a choice in retailers.

This advanced unit breaks it all down, from finding affiliate programs to adding links to marketing affiliate offers in a way that converts.

Six Figure Exit: Selling a Niche Site The RIGHT WAY

Not many people have sold a site for over $100,000. I have and shared the whole journey in Project Go White Hat.

And it was $235,000 to be exact.

It was a long, challenging journey. This brand new unit to the course breaks down the process step-by-step.

It’s not easy to get to a six-figure valuation, but if you put in the work, it can happen. The system is there and it’s just a matter of executing the plan.​

Nick Brisson

Digital Nomad, Started June 2017

“Before I took FFNS I knew about niche sites and had dabbled into them.

However, I had no clear path to success or process in place to make my site a sure success.

Doug’s FFNS Course gave me a step by step process that I implemented to scale my site in a systematic way.

Knowing Doug used this exact method to grow his own sites gave me the confidence to stick with it and see results.

Since the course, site revenue continues to double each month…

You can see consistent earnings using the Keyword Golden Ratio and the FFNS system. And growing traffic.”


Quit His Engineering Job and Making Over $4,000/month

“I believe the Five Figure Niche Site course is a great blueprint and it works and it’s legit and there’s no smoke and mirrors, it’s not tricks, it’s just good old-fashioned guidelines and here’s what you do and here’s how things work and this will help you.”

What You’ll Get…

You’ll get the Step-by-Step process of creating an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site.

“The course is video, including over-the-shoulder screenflows and worksheets to help you go through all the material.”

There are over 82 videos in the full course.

This is the only product to my knowledge that uses project management to make creating niche sites repeatable.

Take Action Today Before It’s Too Late.


This is a limited time offer. For Real.

Five Figure Niche Site will ONLY be available until for a limited time.

This isn’t false scarcity. I can only accept a limited number of people in this course due to the level of service and coaching each student has access to.

The thing is you probably realize that it’s a waste of time to try to learn about niche sites from blog posts, YouTube tutorials, and podcasts.

There’s a flood of information out there and most people are barely treading water.

So, you should ask yourself what it costs you to NOT ENROLL in Five Figure Niche Site.


  • Access to ALL 13 Units, Over 82 video lessons
  • Access to the Private Facebook group
  • 6 Months of Email Support
  • Access to the BONUS Lessons
  • Unit 8: Advanced Link Building ($199 Value)
  • Unit 9: Expert Video Interviews ($199 Value)
  • Unit 10: Email List Building for Niche & Authority Sites ($199 Value)
  • Unit 11: Beyond Amazon: Other Affiliate Programs That CONVERT ($199 Value)
  • Unit 12: Six Figure Exit – Selling a Niche Site the Right Way ($199 Value)
  • 6 LIVE Q & A INNER CIRCLE Sessions via Webinar ($997 Value)
  • 90 Pre-recorded Q&A Sessions: 90 HOURS of Exclusive Video ($1,997 Value)
  • One-on-One Coaching with Doug. 4 x 60 Minute Sessions ($988 Value)

>>> 1 REMAINING <<<

10 Monthly Payments of $227 (Just $227 Today)

Get Premium

Pay In Full – Save $373



  • Access to ALL 13 Units, Over 82 video lessons
  • Access to the Private Facebook group
  • 6 Months Email Support
  • Access to the BONUS Lessons
  • Unit 8: Advanced Link Building ($199 Value)
  • Unit 9: Expert Video Interviews ($199 Value)
  • Unit 10: Email List Building for Niche & Authority Sites ($199 Value)
  • Unit 11: Beyond Amazon: Other Affiliate Programs That CONVERT ($199 Value)
  • Unit 12: Six Figure Exit – Selling a Niche Site the Right Way ($199 Value)
  • 6 LIVE Q & A INNER CIRCLE Sessions via Webinar ($997 Value)
  • NEW 90 Pre-recorded Q&A Sessions: 90 HOURS of Exclusive Video ($1,997 Value)
  • One-on-One Coaching with Doug. 4 x 60 Minute Sessions ($988 Value)

10 Monthly Payments of $129 (Just $129 Today)

Get Advanced

Pay In Full – Save $193



  • Access to ALL 8 Units, Over 82 video lessons
  • Access to the Private Facebook group
  • 6 Months Email Support
  • Access to the BONUS Lessons
  • Unit 8: Advanced Link Building ($199 Value)
  • Unit 9: Expert Video Interviews ($199 Value)
  • Unit 10: Email List Building for Niche & Authority Sites ($199 Value)
  • Unit 11: Beyond Amazon: Other Affiliate Programs That CONVERT ($199 Value)
  • Unit 12: Six Figure Exit – Selling a Niche Site the Right Way ($199 Value)
  • 6 LIVE Q & A INNER CIRCLE Sessions via Webinar ($997 Value)
  • NEW 70 Pre-recorded Q&A Sessions: 70 HOURS of Exclusive Video ($1,997 Value)
  • One-on-One Coaching with Doug. 4 x 60 Minute Sessions ($988 Value)

10 Monthly Payment of $69 (Just $69 Today)

Get Basic 

Pay in Full – Save $103

Other questions? Email


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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60 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you decide Five Figure Niche Site is not for you over the next 60 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a prompt refund.

If you don’t benefit from the training material, email me ( before the 61st day, show me you did the worksheets, and I’ll happily refund your full payment.

“Try It, Learn It, Test It, Apply It”

This means you try part of the Five Figure Niche Site course for a full 60 days – and if you decide it’s not right for you, email me before the end of the 61st day, show me you did the work, and I’ll offer a prompt and courteous refund.

The best part is this:

You don’t have to make up your mind about Five Figure Niche Site right now. Enroll in the training before enrollment closes…

..and decide if it’s right for you within 60 days, after you take it for a test drive.

“I stand by the Five Figure Niche Site System and believe it will work for you. If not, then it’s no problem – Customer Service and Satisfaction is my #1 priority.”
Douglas Cunnington



Here are answers to some frequently asked questions. See them all here.

That’s okay. You’ll be able to use WordPress so it’s super easy to learn. Here’s a secret: I didn’t know how to use WordPress until after my first niche site!

That’s actually better! In Unit 1, you’ll learn about brainstorming and generating ideas. And, more importantly, I’ll show you how to pick great keywords that convert into buyers.

No, some niches are always going to be around. Other niches are growing. And, you may not know it yet, but you might have an unfair advantage in some niche that you have expert knowledge in.

You’ll spend about $200 in the first 6-8 weeks on hosting, a theme, keyword research tools. You can do it for a bit cheaper using free themes and free tools but paying is the better option if you’re able too.

I struggle with writing and grammar myself so I can relate! That’s just fine because you can hire US-based writers for reasonable rates and get excellent quality content. Don’t worry, I have templates that you can use to make it easy. And repeatable!

It depends on where and how you hire your writer or writers. If you hire from Upwork as I outline in the course, then you can expect to pay from $14 – $20 (or higher) per 1,000-word post. That’s the low-end of the market where you can find well-qualified, native English speakers that are just getting started on Upwork.

There are a few other services that you can use that handle more of the admin work and project management. That means it costs more, but you are generally able to hire a content service, tell them the keyword, and they will publish the content on your blog. They handle everything and it’s a premium price. The services have a huge range but you can expect to pay anywhere from $35 – $100 per 1,000-word post. If you have more money than time, this is a great option.

Everything in Five Figure Niche Site is about repeatability. So you’ll be happy to see the templates that you can use to write reviews. Or, even better, you can hire a writer to create the content for you.

I’ll show you how to get traffic in the first couple of weeks even if you only have a small amount of content. It works! And, later you’ll be able to attract free, organic traffic from Google.

We cover link building in Unit 6. It’s all White Hat outreach and guest posting, which is great because Google loves that. We don’t want to work hard only to be hit by a Google algorithm update.

It depends on when you enroll — the course work is dripped out with new Units coming out each Monday after you enroll.

If you follow the step-by-step blueprint and do the work, then people should come to your site. I’ve seen it work time and time again – For Marty, Christy, Ted, many others, and for my sites. However, if that’s the case you can contact me through a support email, the Q&A Sessions, or a One-on-One Coaching session to work through the issue.

If you put in about 5 to 7 hours per week, then you should be able to work through all 7 Units of material. You should use some of that time to work on the worksheets, a critical part of the course. The course will be released over 8 weeks so you can work on each Unit at a time.

There will be a couple of weeks that are Working Weeks, like when you first start working on choosing your niche.

Or when you start publishing content.

It all depends on you, your niche, and your site. So it’s too hard to say. I can tell you that people that follow the course material have created sites that make $100 per month within 2 to 3 months.

Other people have created sites that have been valued at over $10,000, over Five Figures, like Dave Fox.

Other people have used the system to scale and grow over time, like Rob Atkinson, who makes over Five Figures a month.

*Testimonials aren’t indicative of the results you may get. They are just examples of people that have used the Five Figure Niche Site System.

It really all depends on you. This is an intensive course and if you’re willing to do the work, then you can succeed…even if you’re just starting out.

If you are just starting out, then you should be realistic. You probably won’t create a site that makes $10,000 a month for your first site. It might take you 12 months before you make Five Figures.

But you’ll be learning the skills you need to grow a thriving niche site business.

Yes, you get 60 days of priority email support with all the packages.If you have the Advanced option, then you will get 6 Q&A webinar sessions. Plus you have ongoing access to the Inner Circle going forward.

If you have the Premium option, then you will get 4 One-on-One Coaching sessions.

Well, I haven’t taken all the courses out there, but here are a few things to note…I’ve actually coached people to success using the same techniques and methods in Five Figure Niche Site.

These are video courses not just long, boring texted based, glorified blog posts.

I’m a professional! Like I said I’m a Project Management Professional, certified by the Project Management Institute. And, that is a big deal because it means I can set up systems that work.

The material is dripped out. I’ve tested and it helps people complete the work. If you have access to everything all at once, it’s overwhelming. And it’s tempting to move on to the next lesson before you completed the work in the current unit.

See all the questions and answers here.

What if I already have a niche site that makes a little each month?

I want to show you the earnings report for Gabi, and you’ll notice something very interesting happened in October 2016.

Check it out…Earnings were normally less than $100 per month and had been for months. It’s something I hear about all the time.

In November and December, earnings went up and not just because of the retail season. In the 2015 retail season, Gabi was still stuck at less than $100 per month.

And the earnings continue.​

Here’s what happened:

Gabi enrolled in Five Figure Niche Site and it literally changed her life.

Do you have other questions?



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10 Monthly Payments of $227 

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10 Monthly Payments of $129

Get Advanced

Pay In Full – Save $193



10 Monthly Payment of $69

Get Basic 

Pay in Full – Save $103

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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*Testimonials aren’t indicative of the results you may get. They are just examples of people that have used the Five Figure Niche Site System.

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